Tag: nostalgia

Fixing Robie JrFixing Robie Jr

This video started off as just a demonstration of how 3D printing can be used to rehabilitate a vintage toy robot from the 1980s, but evolved into an homage to where I got much of my maker spirit. The Robie Jr. robot from Radio Shack was an instrumental part of my childhood and served as a gateway to so many other interests and passions into adulthood.

Packed with unique features and capabilities, this little guy was the perfect harbinger for the robotic future that was to come, at least to an 8 year old’s imagination it was!

At $460 adjusted for inflation, I realize now how fortunate I was to have such an expensive toy at my beck and call. A personal robot who could literally follow me around and carry snacks on his little serving tray? This was clearly the predecessor to Rosie the Robot from the Jetsons! Our future as a society was certainly bright indeed!

That is until he happened to fail to turn on anymore. My eyes welled as my little buddy would no longer power on…

To find out what happened next, checkout the video! Hope you like it!